Reading: Luke 24.13-35
Scriptures: And beginning with Moses and all the Prophets, he explained to them what was said in all the Scriptures concerning him...When he was at the table with them, he took bread, gave thanks, broke it and began to give it to them. Then their eyes were opened and they recognized him, and he disappeared from their sight. They asked each other, "Were not our hearts burning within us while he talked with us on the road and opened the Scriptures to us?"
Observations: On the road to Emmaus an incognito Jesus conversed with two of the followers, one of whom was named Cleopas. I'm not sure how he disguised himself or why they didn't recognize him, but I find it amusing that Jesus walked with them and listened to them tell the story of what happened as if he didn't already know.
And even when he went through the scriptures explaining everything about him they didn't recognize him. By the way, that is one sermon of Jesus' that I wish was "caught on tape."
Finally, it was when he broke the bread that their eyes were opened and they recognized him. I think he did this to impress on them the symbolism of the broken bread so that they would remember his presence and his sacrifice every time they ate a meal.
Apply: I like the thought that Jesus meets us along the way and walks beside us when we don't recognize him, and that he listens to our concerns and questions when we aren't even aware of it. I also like the thought that Jesus shows up in unexpected ways and places. And one more thing, I like the thought that our daily bread is infused with a reminder of his provision and presence.
Prayer: Lord, when I pause before I eat, may I not only thank you for your provision of food for my body, but may I remember your provision of grace for my soul and your presence in my life.
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1 comment:
I can't help but think of how UNBELIEVABLE it had to have been for ALL of the folks who had known, loved and followed Jesus...the ones who saw Him die...who saw him enclosed in the tomb...Now He's gone.
SURELY it had to have been easier for their human hearts and minds to believe that His body had been taken or that some misfortune (or cynical political plot) had befallen Him...
BUT THE TRUTH was coming nearer and nearer to them all - "HE IS RISEN INDEED AND HE HAS APPEARED TO SIMON!!"
such excitement - I can imagine them there alone wondering "where is Jesus now", "When will we see him again", "How will we recognise Him", "will He now come and redeem Isreal?"
Jesus - I confess how often I lack excitement and enthusiasum over "seeing you" and "recognising you" and "wanting to be where you are"...thank you that YOU seek ME out...even when I forget how SWEEET it is to seek YOU out.
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