Thursday, February 19, 2009

Who Stole My Church?

For church leaders who want to bring change and church members who wish things were the way they used to be, Who Stole My Church? is a fictional (yet very common) story about the difficult process a church goes through to reinvent itself in order to meet the challenges of ministry in a rapidly changing culture.

Gordon MacDonald tells a compelling tale complete with recognizable characters while at the same time imparting invaluable lessons for both change leaders and change resisters.

Gordon MacDonald has been a pastor for more 40 years and he understands the bitterness and heartbreak that older members feel when the church they spent their lives building seems to be taken from them by eager leaders. He also understands why change is so necessary if a church is to be effective.

At first the story seemed a bit corny but as the plot unfolded I eagerly anticipated each chapter. I highly recommend it to pastors, church leaders and seasoned saints.